Skyline Chili 5-way

A love poem:


Oh Skyline, with your coneys so bright.

Won't you fill me for the night.

Chili and dog and all the toppings.

Always makes my heart go stopping.

Your familiar taste, your glowing sign.

Your store so clean, your staff so fine.

I love you so, downtown, there's no other.

Why can't you be open late.

Like your Clifton brother.


- Yelp review by Alex S., London, UK

    Cincinnati chili and puppies, not hot dogs - who could ask for more?


    I grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio in the era of the Big Red Machine. After mastering the skills of picture framing and delivery truck driving, I graduated from Ohio University with a degree in Journalism and Visual Communications with a dream to combine writing and photography.


    After years of photographing presidents, princesses, mansions and crack houses, in war and in peace, I ventured into video production doing commercials, documentaries and feature film. My most recent work has been on behalf of nonprofit organizations. Production also includes scriptwriting and narration.


    Story research utilizing worldwide archival resources, whether institutional or individual, is the backbone of my work. Specializing in World War II, I have written essays on the start and end of the war, as well as notorious Nazi war criminals. I edited Focus on Media, covering media news and trends for Hubert Burda Media of Germany, as well as photography, writing and research for the company and its publications.


    Love and Sacrifice , Shell Shock and The Day Before the War mark the next phase.

Jill, front, and Jax

“Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.”


― Groucho Marx, The Essential Groucho: Writings For By And About Groucho Marx

Dennis Whitehead • Arlington, VA • 703-524-4040 •